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Irys query package

Irys transaction metadata can be queried using the Irys Query Package. You can use it to search for transactions by:

  • Signer's address
  • Payment token
  • Metadata tags
  • Timestamps


Install via npm:

npm install @irys/query

and yarn:

yarn add @irys/query


Import with:

import Query from "@irys/query";

Creating a Query object​

Start by instantiating a new Query object, this is a shared instance you can reuse each time you want to execute a new query.

const myQuery = new Query();

Then execute a query by chaining together a series of functions that collaboratively narrow down the results returned.

To retrieve the 20 latest transactions with the tag Content-Type set to image/png on Irys:

const results = await myQuery
.tags([{ name: "Content-Type", values: ["image/png"] }])


You can also query Irys transactions using GraphQL.

More information​

Code examples covering each field that can be searched are in the Irys docs.